Today I watched a thought provoking show on netflix that describes where our "supermarket foods" come from, how they are grown and how they get there. I found this very disturbing. We really have no idea how food companies produce our foods, and what they use to grow them - or at least I don't.
Today I decided I want to find out. I'm making it a new mission of mine to discover where my food comes from, and how it's made/grown.
Why would I want to eat processed or genetically modified food? I don't, but yet I eat at McDonalds sometimes. Having seen today what it's like for some animals to be in dark buildings with no light or fresh air, I feel disgusted that I would even eat an animal that came from a "plant" like this. On the flip side, I saw farmers raising animals in fields of wheat and grass, where they had room to eat, and play, and stretch out to sleep - in the sun or rain - and of course this is a life that animals should be having. Yes, I know, some people will say that who cares where they live if they are destined for slaughter? Well I do!! Who wants to eat meat from an animal that lives in 6 inches of its own feces, and has to push it's neighbor out of the way so it can do something as simple as turn around? I don't - because this means that these animals are probably being fed growth hormones so they grow faster, which costs the farmer less money. Ok, but this doesn't produce healthy meat from a healthy animal. It's quite the opposite actually. So I am further disgusted by this.
Where my fruits and vegetables come from is a whole other story. Do we ever take the time to find out which fruits and veggies are in season? Probably not. I know now that eggplant is out of season. Yet most supermarkets still stock it. So, it's been altered with chemicals so it grows off season, or it's been shipped from some other coutry and sprayed with chemicals so it lasts longer and doesn't go bad. Appealing? Not in the least. Why not just get veggies from the farmer's market (having done your research on the companies and farms of course) and get food that is in season so as not to injest all of the harmful products used to keep things longer?
This has been a very thought provoking day. I find I need days like this to help me stay positive, and have a plan for life that I can follow.
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